Wednesday, December 7, 2011

New Year's Resolution

5 majors for planning future goals ahead

1. Spending more time with family and friends:

Sometimes we have to learn how to put work aside for a moment and enjoy the company of family presence. This year I am looking forward to having dinner with family and friends at least once a week just to mingle, laugh and converse about weekly acts.

2. Developing Entrepreneurship:

With so much work building a brand this past year, I'll be looking forward to creating the structure for my business.

3. Building better fitness:

Being mindful of today's health matter's! It's important to have much understanding of what your body is going through internally. Although it'll be a challenge to manage time properly, I'll remember to keep fit at least 3 times a week.

4. Enjoying life more:

"LOVE" is a key element in life followed by joy and happiness...with all aspects I'm going to have fun with all positive energy in my life.

5. Helping others:

Community affairs allows others to reconstruct their lives by inspirations from those that are opening a helping hand. Continuing to stay motivated will always draw attraction from different angles; which creates expansion of the mind for unity.

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